0:00 Prelude
3:45 Welcome & Announcements
6:25 Confession & Forgiveness
8:38 Opening Hymn – Glory to God Forever
11:53 Greeting, Kyrie, and Prayer of the Day
13:20 Lesson – Genesis 15:1-6
14:27 Gospel – Luke 3:1-14
17:05 Homily – God’s Promise to Abraham
31:22 Hymn of the Day – The Stand
35:29 Apostles’ Creed & Offertory Prayer & Prayers of the Church
38:34 Holy Communion
44:55 Closing Hymn – The God of Abraham Praise
48:40 Dismissal & Postlude
We are in the Season after Pentecost, when we are shaped by the Holy Spirit to learn and grow as followers of Jesus Christ. Our readings begin with creation and progress through the prophets, telling us the story of God’s people prior to the coming of the Messiah. Our paraments are green to reflect our growth as disciples of Jesus.
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