Holy Cross Lutheran Church

Category: Sermons

  • 4th Sunday of Easter

    Christ is Risen! He is risen indeed. Come worship with us as we continue to celebrate our Lord’s victory over sin and death during this Easter season. Even though we can’t meet in person during this season, we can still gather online as God’s people to praise and worship God! “In Christ Alone” CCLI Song…

  • 3rd Sunday of Easter

    Christ is Risen! He is risen indeed. Come worship with us as we continue to celebrate our Lord’s victory over sin and death during this Easter season. Even though we can’t meet in person during this season, we can still gather online as God’s people to praise and worship God! “No Longer Slaves” Brian Johnson…

  • 2nd Sunday of Easter

    Christ is Risen! He is risen indeed. Come worship with us as we continue to celebrate our Lord’s victory over sin and death during this Easter season. Even though we can’t meet in person during this season, we can still gather online as God’s people to praise and worship God! “Alleluia Sing to Jesus” William…

  • Easter Sunday

    Christ is Risen! He is risen indeed. Come worship with us as we celebrate our Lord’s victory over sin and death. Even though we can’t meet in person during this season, we can still gather online as God’s people to praise and worship God!

  • Good Friday

    Welcome to Holy Cross Lutheran Church — live from Pastor Mike’s kitchen! Good Friday is when we celebrate and grieve the death of our Lord Jesus Christ on the cross for us. We use a Tenebrae format, a service of readings and song, to hear the story of the last day of Jesus’ life and…

  • Maundy Thursday

    Welcome to Holy Cross Lutheran Church — live from Pastor Mike’s kitchen! Maundy Thursday is named for Jesus’ “new commandment” to love one another as he loved us. Tonight we also celebrate the institution of Holy Communion, as Jesus sets up a new covenant. We’re continuing to worship over the internet for the next few…

  • Palm & Passion Sunday

    Welcome to Holy Cross Lutheran Church — live from Pastor Mike’s kitchen! We’re continuing to worship over the internet for the next few weeks now. We’re also celebrating Holy Communion this week, so make sure to have some bread and wine ready (or crackers and grape or other juice or water — use faithful judgment)…

  • Adult Sunday School – April 4

    I apologize for whatever is happening with the video quality and stuttering. If it becomes bothersome, I won’t be offended if you just listen to the audio! Today we finish up both Luke’s gospel with chapter 24 and Adult Sunday School until the fall, when we pick up the story again by diving into the…

  • 5th Sunday in Lent

    Welcome to Holy Cross Lutheran Church — live from Pastor Mike’s kitchen! We’re continuing to worship over the internet for the next few weeks now. We’re also celebrating Holy Communion this week, so make sure to have some bread and wine ready (or crackers and grape or other juice or water — use faithful judgment)…

  • 5th Sunday in Lent

    Welcome to Holy Cross Lutheran Church — live from Pastor Mike’s kitchen! We’re continuing to worship over the internet for the next few weeks now. We’re also celebrating Holy Communion this week, so make sure to have some bread and wine ready (or crackers and grape or other juice or water — use faithful judgment)…